Our selection of the best beauty advent calendars to offer yourself or…to be offered

This year again, the Advent calendars have some nice surprises in store for us. Cosmetics, perfumes, make-up… here is an anthology of the most remarkable of them imagined by the actors of Beauty.
Ultra-luxury at Valmont
The “Holidays in Neverland” advent calendar by Valmont offers 12 gifts to delight the senses and celebrate the skin. You will find a multi-purpose cream mask, a nourishing beauty oil, a supreme eye care product or an energizing and rebalancing tonic (310 euros).
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Une publication partagée par Valmont Cosmetics (@valmontcosmetics)
A first for Cinq Mondes
For the first time in 2022, Cinq Mondes unveils its limited edition “Constellation Calendar”. Designed as an “after calendar”, it includes 6 products to discover a complete routine and as a gift, an exclusive bracelet in gold-plated brass and onyx pearls, in partnership with Hipanema (70 euros).
Constellation at Dior
For this new edition of the Dior Advent calendar, the artist Pietro Ruffo has imagined a magical astral universe where a profusion of flowers, fairy constellations, stardust and fantastic animals intermingle. The Big Dipper, the Giraffe, the Lynx, the Dragon, the Little Dipper, Cepheus, Perseus and Cassiopeia seem to dance around the Polar Star symbolised by the emblematic address of 30, avenue Montaigne to hide the 24 surprises. Creams, lipsticks, nail polish, eau de parfum and other candles can be discovered as the days go by…(480 euros)
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Une publication partagée par Dior Beauty Official (@diorbeauty)
The beehive at Guerlain
Guerlain presents its favourite animal, the bee, through its Advent Hive-Calendar, specially decorated by artist Aleksandra Miletić. 25 gifts have been included, including miniature scented candles, soaps and other surprises. (590 euros)
Care at Sothys
For the holidays, Sothys is going all out by unveiling its Advent Calendar in XXL format. It contains 24 of the brand’s products, including face, body and make-up products, to help you get ready for the holidays. (95 euros)
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Une publication partagée par Sothys Paris Official (@sothysparis)
Featured photo : © Cinq mondes
Passionnée depuis son plus jeune âge par l’art et la mode, Hélène s’oriente vers une école de stylisme, l’Atelier Chardon-Savard à Paris, avec une option Communication. Afin d’ajouter des cordes à son arc, elle décide de compléter sa formation par un MBA en Management du Luxe et Marketing Expérientiel à l’Institut Supérieur de Gestion à Paris dont elle sort diplômée en 2020. Elle a notamment écrit des articles lifestyle et beauté pour le magazine Do it in Paris et se spécialise en rédaction d’articles concernant le luxe, l’art et la mode au sein du magazine Luxus Plus.********** [EN] Passionate about art and fashion from a young age, Hélène went to a fashion design school, Atelier Chardon-Savard in Paris, with a Communication option. In order to add more strings to her bow, she decided to complete her education with an MBA in Luxury Management and Experiential Marketing at the Institut Supérieur de Gestion in Paris from which she graduated in 2020. She has written lifestyle and beauty articles for Do it in Paris magazine and specializes in writing articles about luxury, art and fashion for Luxus Plus magazine.