Agnelli family: A shake-up in its sports activities

The board of directors of the Turin club tendered their resignation on Monday evening. A few hours later, Mattia Binotto, the director of Scuderia Ferrari, also announced that he was stepping down.
This is a big blow for Italian sport, and in particular for the businesses controlled by the Agnelli family. On Monday evening, to everyone’s surprise, the board of directors of Juventus announced its resignation. This is in addition to the departure of the club’s president, Andrea Agnelli, who has been in office since 2010. The club said the board had “considered it in the best social interest” to resign, “considering the centrality and relevance of the outstanding legal and technical-accounting issues”.
The turmoil follows an investigation by the Italian judiciary that has been ongoing for more than a year into “false exchanges” of players. The club also allegedly hid from its investors the existence of private agreements with players, including striker Cristiano Ronaldo, to pay certain salaries on a deferred basis. These informations has caused the club’s share price to fall by almost 20% since January.

Following the resignation of its board of directors, Juventus “will continue to collaborate and cooperate with the supervisory authorities and the sector”, it announced.
As a replacement, businessman Gianluca Ferrero has been recommended by Exor, the Agnelli family holding company, as the new chairman. The decision will be taken at the next general meeting, scheduled for 18 January.

On the motorsport side, there is movement at Ferrari, which is also controlled by the Agnelli family. Mattia Binotto, the Scuderia’s main team manager, officially resigned on Tuesday. He has been with the company for 28 years and has been in the position since 2019. He is paying the price for a disappointing season, which saw the team fail to win the world championship and the Formula 1 Constructors’ Trophy.
“I am leaving a company that I love, that I have been part of for 28 years, with serenity, convinced that I have made every effort to achieve the objectives set. I am leaving a united and growing team. A strong team, ready – I am sure – to achieve the highest goals, to which I wish the best for the future. I believe I am right to make this decision now, difficult as it is. I would like to thank all those at Gestione Sportiva who have shared this adventure with me, made up of difficulties but also of great satisfactions”, he explains.
The name of his successor is not yet known, but the name of Fréderic Vasseur, director of Alpha Romeo, powered by Ferrari, is regularly mentioned in the press.
Featured photo : © Cyril Zingaro/AP/Sipa
Passionnée depuis son plus jeune âge par l’art et la mode, Hélène s’oriente vers une école de stylisme, l’Atelier Chardon-Savard à Paris, avec une option Communication. Afin d’ajouter des cordes à son arc, elle décide de compléter sa formation par un MBA en Management du Luxe et Marketing Expérientiel à l’Institut Supérieur de Gestion à Paris dont elle sort diplômée en 2020. Elle a notamment écrit des articles lifestyle et beauté pour le magazine Do it in Paris et se spécialise en rédaction d’articles concernant le luxe, l’art et la mode au sein du magazine Luxus Plus.********** [EN] Passionate about art and fashion from a young age, Hélène went to a fashion design school, Atelier Chardon-Savard in Paris, with a Communication option. In order to add more strings to her bow, she decided to complete her education with an MBA in Luxury Management and Experiential Marketing at the Institut Supérieur de Gestion in Paris from which she graduated in 2020. She has written lifestyle and beauty articles for Do it in Paris magazine and specializes in writing articles about luxury, art and fashion for Luxus Plus magazine.